Welcome in Dentizar
Specialized office in dental prosthodontics, located nearby the mountain Vodno in the neighborhood Crnice, only 15 minutes walk from the city center of Skopje, Macedonia.
Specialized office in dental prosthodontics, located nearby the mountain Vodno in the neighborhood Crnice, only 15 minutes walk from the city center of Skopje, Macedonia.
This office exists from 2005 and represents the outcome of the longterm hardwork of dr. Irina Trajkovska- Zareska.
A beautifull, healthy smile is a reflection of your care for your own health and good looks. With a smile like that, you walk in the everyday life more attractive and more confident.
We dedicate ourselves to improving the lives of others by restoring the dental health for all of our patients. We offer the most advanced treatment available in state-of-the art facilities, with comfort, compassion and convenience.
Specialized in dental prosthodontics.
St. Naum Ohridski 57 Street, 1000, Skopje, Macedonia
Tel. 0038922736056, Mob. 0038970300041
Email: irina@dentizar.com.mk
Teeth Cleaning
Composite fillings
Night guard
Root canal therapy
The dental implant imitates the root of the lost tooth, which is placed from the dentist in your alveolar bone. The implant carries a single porcelain crown or a bridge. Dental implants are ideal option for people with well general health, who lost their natural teeth because of periodontal disease, unsuccessful endodontic therapy or trauma.
Specialist in dental prosthodontics,
Master in oral surgery and implantology
Dr. Irina Trajkovska Zareska is entrusted cosmetic and a family dentist who welcomes new patients from all areas of Skopje and Macedonia, as well as foreigners from all over the world. Dr. sci. Irina Trajkovska- Zareska provides dental services for cosmetic and restorative dentistry such as implants, crowns, dental bridges, porcelain veneers, dentures, composite fillings, teeth whitening and root canal therapy.
Dental assistant
Silvija Jovanovska is a dental assistant, who finished medical high school “Pance Karajgozov” in Skopje in 2-4. She works in Dentizar since 2008. She has a long term experience in assisting in all kind of conservative, oral- surgeons and prosthodontic interventions.
Dental assistant
Kind and warm, patient oriented person, as well as assigned for cleaning and disinfection control in dental office Dentizar.
Doctor of dental medicine
Graduated from Faculty of Dentistry in Skopje 2015, with an average of 9.01. In order to follow the latest trends in dentistry, she undergoes continuous education in the field of cosmetic dentistry. Also, she is a member of Macedonian Аssociation for Аesthetic dentistry. Excellent communication with the patients and work approach contribute to increase the number of successfully performed interventions and satisfied patients in “Dentizar”